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Tuesday, 4 October 2011

cerita-cerita teh O... tentang saye

Assalamualaikum.. saje2 nk post kat blog ni... Name sy Afian.. kawan2 pian je... sy berasal dari Penang.. tap bkan anak mami lor.. hee lahir je kat sane... Ayah owg n9 dan mak sy owg perak..hee
ape lagi nk diceritakan ehh.. rase exited plak.. first time buat blog ni.. ni pon sebab2 kerja2 assingnment MIS... klu x x tahu lah bile buat blog.. hehehe.. sy ni owg ckp pemalu owgnye,, owg lah ckp.. x tahu lah..kih3
 kadang2 owg ckp sombong pon ade,, tpi bkan2 sombong2 taw.. sy mmg x suke tegur owg ni.. tmbh owg yg sy x kenal... almaklumlah pemalu owgnye...hahaha... suke berfacebook... sebabnye kat situ sy leh tegor owg yg dpt ramai kawan.. klu nk tegur kat dunia realiti ni kan mcm segan ckit.. klu kat fb leh tegur ikot suke ati je..hehehe.. tu yg best... ok lah.. nanti klu ade cite ape2 lagi.. nanti pian kongsikan lagi k... bye bye.. wasalam

Monday, 3 October 2011


A recent study  examined the relation between leisure activities and the risk of dementia in a prospective cohort of 469 subjects older than 75 years of age who resided in the community and did not have dementia at base line.  The results of their study suggested that levels of participation in cognitive stimulating activities such as playing board games (e.g.chess or checkers), playing bridge, playing a musical instrument, dancing, reading or writing was associated with a reduced risk of dementia over a 5 year follow-up period.  Cross word puzzles have also been recommended help keep your mind sharp and active. So break out that chess board or better yet learn to dance salsa or tango.

 Eat cold water fish (e.g. salmon, tuna, mackerel) which contain lots of omega-3 fatty acids 2-3 times per week.Eat lots of fresh foods and vegetables, particularly foods like blueberries rich in antioxidants.
Antidepressant medications and psychotherapy are effective treatments for serious bouts of depression.  Many people who develop dementia had a prior episode of serious depression.  
Regular exercise and social activities such as volunteering can improve energy levels, reduce stress, boost self esteem and combat milder forms of depression.


Research indicates that stress produces elevated levels of the hormone cortisol.  Elevated cortisol levels kills brain cells, particularly brain cells associated with memory functions.  
To reduce stress set aside time to relax  and unwind. Consider using relaxation techniques, meditation or prayer


 Regular exercise  and attention to physical fitness has dramatic effects on chronic illnesses, stress reduction, a sense of well-being and may combat loss of brain function as we age.  A recent study 2 report robust declines in brain  tissue densities as a function of age in the frontal, parietal, and temporal cortices among subjects who engaged in regular aerobic activities. The authors we found that losses in these areas were substantially reduced as a function of cardiovascular fitness, even when we statistically controlled for other moderator variables. These findings extend the scope of beneficial effects of aerobic exercise beyond cardiovascular health, and they suggest a strong solid biological basis for the benefits of exercise on the brain health of older adults. So everyone should engage in at least 15 minutes of aerobic activity (e.g. walk, run, swim) at least three times per week.


Stress takes a terrible toll on our bodies and our spirits. Extended exposure to stressful environment causes elevations in a hormone called cortisol. Elevated  cortisol levels kill brain cells, particularly cells in the area of the brain called the hippocampus which is  responsible for memory. 
Try music, meditation, massage and most of all simplifying your life.  These changes  can have important benefits for your mental health and Stress cause

The Top 5 Ways to Become a Millionaire (MIS)

1. Earn Income.

Clearly, the more money you make, the faster you can reach that milestone, but that doesn’t mean your average Joe with a average income can’t obtain millionaire status. The current median income in this country ranges between $35,000-$60,000 depending on where you live. Better yet, get married so you have dual incomes. The wonderful thing about having dual incomes is that even with two people in the household, your income may double, but your expenses typically don’t.
If you don’t earn even an average income, all is not lost. It is up to you to do something about it. A negative attitude about your job or your earning potential won’t change anything. Be proactive and make the decision to improve your situation. It is your life, so take control and realize that things don’t change overnight. It may take a few years of slow growth before you reach the point where you want to be, but you can do it if you try. Remember, short of inheriting money from a relative or winning the lottery, you will need reasonable income to become a millionaire.

2. Live Within Your Means.

Ok, so you have income but now what? It doesn’t matter how much money you make if you spend it all or spend even more than you make. It might be nice to eat out at nice restaurants every night, or to always be on the cutting edge of designer fashion but, this will only make you look like millionaire to others instead of actually being a millionaire. This doesn’t mean you have to live a miserable and miserly lifestyle, but you simply need to live reasonably. The bottom line is buying things and acting like a millionaire if you aren’t will simply empty your bank account and give people a false impression of your status, but that’s it.
Start by purchasing a home that you can comfortably afford and drive vehicles that suit your lifestyle without straining your budget. You don’t have to be pulling down $75,000 a year and drive a 1992 Civic Hatchback or live in a dump, but throwing your money at a 4,000 square foot home in a gated community with luxury cars or SUVs that cost as much as one year of your salary won’t help you become a millionaire. Some may argue that an expensive home and real estate in general is a good way to become a millionaire, but I will touch on that later.

3. Save Money.

This isn’t rocket science but if you earn a reasonable income and you live within your means, guess what, you will probably have money left over to save. But that’s exactly the problem. Most people treat savings as an afterthought, or something that only gets attended to after all the other bills are paid. People pay bills, buy things, and then whatever is leftover they try to save. That is the wrong way to save. I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but pay yourself first. Whether it is $100 a month or $1,000 a month, think of the savings as a bill that needs to be paid and do it regularly. If you are unable to save money you will find that your only wealth is in the form of material things. So, you need to start saving every month and you need to make it happen automatically. An online savings account can accomplish this for you, and on top of that you’ll be earning better interest on that money than you would be at your local bank.

4. Invest Wisely.

Now that you are saving money, you need to invest it wisely. Sticking it under the mattress or slowly building up in a savings account isn’t going to help you reach your goals any faster. You don’t have to read the Wall Street Journal or watch CNBC everyday while actively managing your portfolio in order to be a good investor. Some of the best investment advice is to simply invest regularly and in a diversified portfolio. If you do this you’ll already be doing more than most people and on your way to building wealth.
It is also important to remember that real estate is part of your investment picture, but it shouldn’t be all of it. Too many people stake almost everything they have into a primary residence and expect it to appreciate in value. Just like any investment, generally speaking, over time you will make money. There isn’t much debate about that, but relying heavily on real estate is no different than if you rely on one stock to fund your retirement. So, begin with opening up an investing account and put your money to work. It doesn’t matter if you are investing in stocks, bonds, or index funds, but keeping costs down helps you keep more of your own money. One of the best and cheapest places to start investing is at Zecco. The Free Trading Community:
You can become a millionaire by simply buying a single stock and holding onto it for 20 years if it goes up significantly just like you can buy a $500,000 home and have it double in value in 20 years, but that’s a pretty risky proposition. Take a lot of the risk out of the picture by making sure all of your eggs aren’t in the same basket and develop an investment strategy that will provide steady growth over the years..

5. Stick With Your Plan.

Finally, if you have done the previous four items the only thing left to do is to continue doing it and stick to the plan. As far as income is concerned, always be on the lookout for ways to increase your income, whether it is through climbing the ladder at your current job, finding work elsewhere, or maybe even starting a business on the side. Increased income will mean you can save even more, provided you aren’t foolishly spending the additional money. As that additional money gets tucked away into savings or investments it will continue to grow even more quickly.

Hair Treatment (MIS)

  • Brush your hair regularly before going to bed each night.
  • Wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Use very little but enough to cover hair completely with lather. Use a conditioner to keep hair manageable.
  • Avoid brushing wet hair. This will cause the hair to stretch and finally break. Finger-dry, or use a wide-toothed comb instead of a brush to gently remove the knots.
  • Restrict blow-drying your hair. The process of blow-drying is harsh on hair as it robs it of moisture.
  • Avoid dyes. Use mehandi (henna) instead as a conditioner and colouring agent.
  • Take a calcium supplement or drink two glasses of milk a day.
  • Always hold hair dryer away from your hair. Direct air from the hair dryer down hair shaft and not directly into the roots and keep it moving.
  • After a perm, never brush your hair. Instead comb hair gently.
  • Trim your hair once in 7 weeks  to avoid split ends.
  • Avoid pulling back your hair tightly.
  • Never use a rubber band on your hair as it can pull and damage hair considerably.
  • Never go out in the sun without having your head covered.
  • Stimulate circulation by massaging your head with oil to which some vitamin E has been added. This will make hair soft and silky. 
  • Never wash your hair with very hot or very cold water.
  • Learn to relax. Hair loss can happen because of stress. Eat foods that are rich in vitamin B, C and E. 
  • Add iron and minerals in the natural form in your diet.
  • If your hair is oily, cut down on fried food and fat. Drink plenty of water.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011


-Manusia itulah pengarah dan pelakonnya,
-Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah itulah skripnya,
-Malaikat itulah jurugambarnya,
-Islam itu jalan ceritanya,
-Kiamat itulah kesudahan pengambarannya,
-Padang masyhar tempat penganugerahannya,
-Rasulullah S.A.W adalah penerima anugerah terbaiknya,
-ALLAH S.W.T adalah hakimnya,
-Syurga atau Neraka adalah trofinya

*Motivasi Dari Dunia Misteri**

1. Belajarlah dari pontianak, seberat manapun masalah- dia tetap tertawa. Hihihi…..
2. Belajarlah dari toyol, kecil-kecil sudah pandai cari duit sendiri.
3. Belajarlah dari pocong, dari dulu pakaiannya simple jer… hidup Sederhana
4. Belajarlah dari jerangkung, berdikari……. datang tak dijemput, balik tidak dihantar..


Elak guna laptop sekiranya rumah anda grounding tidak baik semasa guruh kilat. Boleh menyebabkan litar pintas dan kerosakan pd komponen PSU (power supply unit) dan wired network card bahkan keseluruhan board dan komponen dalaman.

 Elak selalu format hard-disk secara low-level, mahupun full format, akan memendekkan jangka hayat hard disk. Guna quick format sebaiknya.

Elak guna bateri semasa bekalan elektrik dari plug tersedia. Namun, kebanyakkan notebook pada masa kini adalah auto disconnected sekiranya bekalan elektrik dari plug disambung.

Elak dari menutup ruang udara di bawah laptop. Boleh menyebabkan kepanasan pada komponen laptop yang menyumbang kepada masalah stabiliti (laptop terpadam sendiri dan sebagainya.) Elak menggunakan laptop pada tempat yang tertutup dan panas. 


Elak menggunakan plug cable yang berkongsi dengan peralatan elektrik yang menggunakan tenaga elektrik tinggi, seperti peti ais, heater air, seterika dan sebagainya. Boleh memendekkan jangka hayat peralatan disebabkan arus elektrik yang tidak sekata. 

Gunakan kipas penyejuk tambahan bagi ruangan di bawah laptop sekiranya mampu. Ia sangat membantu pengaliran udara diruangan bawah laptop yg sangat terkesan dengan haba.

Hantar untuk servis bagi membuang habuk yang terlekat di celahan heat sink processor dalam skala setahun sekali. Vacuum tidak mampu membuang habuk sepenuhnya. Membuka casing laptop memerlukan ketelitian dan pengetahuan, jadi anda tidak digalakan untuk mencuba sendiri.

 Guna pembersih yang tidak menghakis untuk mencuci sebarang peralatan laptop. Gunakan kapas bagi membersihkan skrin LCD dengan pembersih skrin.
Guna berus cat yang masih belum digunakan dan masih lembut untuk membuang habuk di persekitaran skrin dan keyboard. Buang habuk yang melekat terutamanya di kipas process dan motherboard dengan memberus keluar perlahan2.

Pastikan laptop diceraikan dari bateri semasa dimasukkan kedalam beg. Mengelak dari kesan jangkamasa panjang hayat bateri dan mengelak kecurian.


Periksa kebocoran arus elektrik dengan menggunakan test-pen (boleh dibeli di mana2 kedai elektrik dan elektronik) dengan menyentuh test-pen pada casing / peralatan laptop. Sekiranya lampu test-pen bernyala, kebocoran elektrik wujud. Boleh mengakibatkan kerosakan komponent terutamanya laptop monitor dan motherboard. Periksa soket plug atau tukarkan soket baru. Jika menggunakan extension plug, gantikan dengan yang baru.

Beli / ganti peralatan komputer yang berkualiti. Barangan yang berkualiti adalah lebih tahan lama dan lebih efisyen. Kebiasaanya barangan berjenama dan berqualiti adalah mahal sedikit namun berbaloi untuk jangka masa yg lebih lama.

 Elak meninggalkan laptop di dalam kenderaan terlalu lama di kawasan yang panas.

Elak menggunakan wired network semasa kilat, terutama sekiranya tiada lightning protection bagi talian telefon dan elektrik. Boleh menyebabkan kerosakan pada modem dan network card.

 Elak menyerahkan laptop anda untuk dibaiki tanpa sebarang rekod salinan peralatan dan spesifikasi laptop anda yang sedia ada. Kecurian dari segi komponent mudah terjadi. Merugikan anda sekiranya berlaku tanpa anda ketahui.

Guna notebook lock bagi mengunci laptop di meja. Mengelak dari kecurian ketika anda tiada bersama laptop.

 Elak menyentuh skrin LCD dengan menggunakan jari atau peralatan tajam. Boleh mengakibatkan kerosakkan (death) pixel pada skrin.

Jangan mematikan (shutdown) laptop dengan terus mematikan switch plug atau dengan menekan butang on / off pd computer selama beberapa saat. Boleh mengakibatkan kehilangan / corrupted / bad sector pada hard disk / file. Juga memendekkan jangka hayat hard disk.

Elak dari menggunakan beg laptop yang nipis dan tidak mempunyai ketahanan. Mengelak dari retakan pada casing laptop atau sebarang kecacatan yang boleh terjadi.

 Jangan menggunakan terlalu banyak peralatan yang disambung pada port USB sekiranya tidak perlu. Setiap peralatan / hardware menggunakan peratusan tenaga (dalam unit Watt) yang boleh mengakibatkan kekurangan / bekalan power (Watt) tidak mencukupi bagi hardware lain. Mengakibatkan stabiliti terganggu dan sesetengah kes, boleh menyebabkan kepanasan melampau pada port USB yang boleh mengakibatkan kerosakan pada alat (seperti Pendrive)

 Sekiranya keyboard anda rosak dan tidak mampu untuk menggantikan dengan yang baru, beli soft-keyboard yang boleh digulung dan diperbuat daripada silikon. Mudah untuk digunakan dan amat selesa.

Sekiranya monitor anda rosak dan tidak mampu untuk menggantikan LCD baru, jadikan laptop tersebut sebagai PC dengan menyambung ke monitor luaran seperti LCD / CRT / Projektor.

Jika laptop berbunyi bising, hantar servis untuk membuang kotoran yang terlekat pada kipas atau heat sink laptop.

Jangan sesekali memasukkan DVD / VCD bersaiz kecil kedalam DVD / VCD player yang jenis auto insert and eject (slot-in type). Boleh merosakkan DVD / VCD player anda.